Weight Loss Surgery FAQ
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FAQS About Endoscopic Sleeve
What makes endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty different from gastric sleeve surgery?
Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty and gastric sleeve surgery both restrict stomach capacity by giving the stomach a sleeve shape. However, each procedure employs a different technique to accomplish this adjustment.
Traditional gastric sleeve surgery accesses the stomach through incisions in the abdomen. A portion of the stomach is then physically separated from the rest of the stomach using precise incisions, and this portion is removed. A longer recovery process is necessary due to the required tissue trauma.
In contrast, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty does not employ incisions at any point during its process. The stomach is accessed through oral insertion of an endoscope. A portion of the stomach is then separated from the rest of the stomach using placement of sutures. Both portions of the stomach remain in the body. Because no incisions were created, the recovery process is shorter.
What type of sutures are utilised during endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty?
Anywhere from five to 12 Prolene sutures will be placed during the ESG procedure. Prolene is a durable material that does not dissolve, and because of this, the results of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty are permanent. These stitches have very small metallic anchors on each end. These anchors will not be detected by metal detectors and will not interfere with MRI imaging.
How many days off from work will I need to take following endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty?
Typically, patients must stay home from work for around three days. More physically strenuous jobs may require a longer period of time off. Patients can return to work once cleared by Mr. Vasilikostas.
What happens to the larger section of the stomach after endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty?
After an ESG procedure, the larger section of the stomach continues to be healthy. No issues or changes in blood supply are experienced.
FAQS About Gastric Bypass
How do I prepare for gastric bypass surgery?
Prior to gastric bypass surgery, patients will be strongly encouraged to stop smoking. For two weeks prior to the session, they may be instructed to adopt a liver-shrinking diet. These changes greatly reduce the potential for various health complications.
What is dumping syndrome?
Dumping syndrome is a condition that may occur following gastric bypass surgery. This causes patients to feel light-headed as a result of consumption of foods that are higher in sugar, starch, or fat.
FAQS About Allurion Balloon
In which ways is the Allurion pill gastric balloon different from other gastric balloons?
Other gastric balloons require endoscopy during their placement and removal process, along with anaesthesia. The Allurion gastric balloon is the first gastric balloon created to bypass these placement requirements.
Unlike other gastric balloons, the Allurion gastric balloon is swallowed in capsule form. This allows for a much shorter placement process (typically fifteen minutes) without a long period of recovery time or downtime.
Other gastric balloons must be in place for six to twelve months. This balloon, however, is only required to be in place for sixteen weeks. The Allurion gastric balloon also results in fewer side effects and offers a greatly decreased rate of balloon intolerance.
While other gastric balloons are composed of silicone, the Allurion gastric balloon is constructed utilizing vegan polyurethane. This flexible material increases patient comfort. Patients may feel the balloon at first, but in time, this feeling fades and the patient can no longer detect a difference.
If I want more weight loss after sixteen weeks, can a second Allurion gastric balloon be placed?
Once you have completed your Allurion weight-loss programme, if you desire further weight loss, a second gastric balloon can be placed as part of the Allurion Plus+ sequential programme. It will be necessary to schedule a consultation with Mr. Vasilikostas to discuss this option in further detail.
Does use of the Allurion gastric balloon result in greater weight loss than traditional methods?
The Allurion gastric balloon can result in 2.5 times as much weight loss as traditional dieting. Exercise programmes and diets cannot achieve the same degree of weight loss as the Allurion Programme.
Will the weight that has been lost return following use of the Allurion gastric balloon?
95% of the weight loss achieved utilizing the Allurion gastric balloon may be maintained twelve months after the balloon is no longer in the stomach.